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Free Green Energy – PPC Case Study

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the brief.

Free Green Energy is a UK-based provider of renewable energy products including solar panels.

the challenges.

Free Green Energy is a UK-based provider of renewable energy products including solar panels.

The Brief: Flaunt Digital was approached by Free Green Energy with the aim to increase business exposure and drive new business leads at a commercially viable return on ad spend (ROAS) through paid media channels.

The Challenges: The solar panel market has been in a national decline for the last few years due to less attractive feed-in-tariffs imposed by the government. In addition to this the market is fiercely competitive with a number of large suppliers dominating the digital space.

flaunt's strategy.

What We Did: Flaunt Digital’s paid media team developed and implemented a multi-channel paid media strategy including display retargeting, Facebook & Instagram retargeting, Facebook prospecting and Google search activities. The team conducted a series of market insights & analysis to help highlight key opportunities resulting in the campaign being a huge success. The activity deployed included the use of dynamic landing pages, CRM integration, dynamic call tracking, sales feedback reporting and live reporting to maximise results.

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