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I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Marketing Here!

Written by Reece
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Everybody’s favourite jungle jaunt is back for another year of tropical mischief. For a couple of weeks we can all forget about the increasingly colder weather and shorter days, and in turn, bask in the joy of watching Z-list celebrities chow down on things we’d never even dream of putting near our mouths.

Year after year, we all tune in but is it just the squirm-inducing bushtucker trials that keep us coming back for more? 

We’ve taken a closer look at the show to see what really makes it tick. What we found were a bunch of classic marketing techniques that are executed to near perfection. So much so that we could definitely learn a thing or two, or at the very least, revise some methods to use in our next marketing campaigns.


Arguably the key pull of the show is tapping into viewers’ nostalgia by bringing back your favourite soap star or TV presenter to dive headfirst into a pitch-black snake-filled hole. Seeing these familiar faces and remembering how much you used to enjoy watching them on the TV fresh out of the makeup chair makes you wonder how much more you’ll enjoy them on TV fresh out of a pit of slime and unpleasantness.

Whether you see the contestants on the show as ‘has-beens’ or certified celebs, you can’t deny that the line-up announcement each year never fails to get people talking. Using nostalgia to market anything, of course, isn’t a new technique but it does however seem to be the theme of recent years – Tobey Maguire returned as Spider-Man, Keanu Reeves faced the Matrix once again and Michael Keaton is set to reappear in the iconic cape and cowl.


Shock Factor

One of the great things about hosting a reality TV show deep in the Australian jungle is that there’s very rarely a dull day. Even when you’re not watching an ex-pop star gobble a witchetty grub or a politician have an altercation with one of Australia’s deadliest, you’re likely to see some of the local wildlife make an extremely unwelcome visit to the campmates.

Shock factor is something that I’m a celebrity has mastered. Even if there’s nothing shocking happening, you can guarantee that they’ll manufacture something. You may think it’s a bit cynical but we’ve all noticed the sly editing which can appear to stir the pot during conflict in camp or a quote taken entirely out of context that will make the headline of the following day’s newspaper.

Now, we’re not saying you should fabricate shock factor, but putting a ‘bold’ spin on your marketing can have people scrambling to find out the resolution to the drama you’ve set up! 

And speaking of drama…



Come for the trials, stay for the gossip right? Somehow watching the campmates spill the beans (and rice) whilst gnawing on the leg of a stray dingo is the most exciting part of the show. After all, who doesn’t want to know what Matt Hancock got up to behind closed doors… Evening Prime Minister.

In all seriousness, the gossip between the campmates often overlaps with current events and it can be interesting hearing the celebs take on real-world happenings. Similarly, as a business, tapping into the most popular topics of discussion at the time can be a great way to create brand awareness.

Ryanair is a great example of a business doing this currently and quite frankly, whoever is running their socials deserves a medal. 

Ryanair weighed in on the recent England World Cup squad announcement…


You know the old adage – people connect with people, not businesses & corporations. It’s one of the reasons influencers have become so popular in the last few years because they’re able to be the face of a brand and give consumers a figure to relate to. Just as we watch I’m a celeb to see famous faces put in an environment that strips them back to their ‘real’ selves, we want to see businesses do the same too.

Often, the campmate crowned king or queen of the jungle is the one who has let their guard down and just been themselves, allowing us as viewers to connect with them on a more personal level. Brands can take a lot away from this, by showing a bit of vulnerability and tapping into the understanding that everyone is human, they’re able to form a better connection with their audience.

It’s A Wrap!

As the show presses on we get more and more excited for Christmas, which can mean less time thinking about your marketing and more time thinking about pigs in blankets. But, whether you decide to deploy some of these techniques into your Christmas marketing strategy or get your business flying in the New Year, Flaunt is always here to help and make sure your strategy is executed to perfection.

For more digital marketing tips and advice on the future of marketing, follow Flaunt Digital on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter

Oh and let us know who you want to win I’m a celeb!

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