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Google’s Helpful Content Update Rolled Out Across Its Platform This Week

Written by Mackenzie
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It’s the one all content marketers have been eagerly waiting for!

Google has treated us to an update to its helpful content system and it’s the biggest update since it launched in August earlier this year. The update started on December 5th but users began to notice changes on December 6th, prompting Google to spill the beans on the latest update. It’s like Christmas has come early!

Everyone’s favourite search engine is now better equipped to detect low-quality content that is written for algorithms instead of people and specifically targets content that seems to have been primarily created for ranking well in search engines rather than to help or inform people. This is great news for content writers as it keeps the looming AI takeover at bay for a little while longer…

The algorithm update is putting Google’s famed magnifying glass icon to good use and helping searchers find “high-quality content”. Google has stated that they want to put the focus back onto its users and reward better and more useful content that was written for humans.

How To Make The Helpful Content Update Work For You

To make sure that the content you’re crafting is pure gold in the eyes of Google, we’ve shared a few tips to help you take full advantage of the changes. 

  1. Stick to your main topic

It may be tempting to write content for almost every topic you can think of, but you really need to concentrate on your niche. You wouldn’t get a baker making cars, right? Consider providing expert knowledge to your readers as the golden ticket to staying keeping up with the helpful content update.

  1. Provide a great user experience

Ask yourself, will someone reading your content leave feeling like they had a satisfying experience? If the answer is no, jazz it up! You need to provide your users with a website that not only answers their questions but also provides a great UX. Incorporating visual elements to break up text and content that contains bullet point lists and a table of contents is key! 

  1. Avoid writing content for search engines first

It’s always important to follow SEO best practices when writing your content, but the update means that you shouldn’t write content specifically for search engines. With this in mind, you shouldn’t overdo it on keywords or let AI completely write your content – a big no no. People don’t want to read content that doesn’t make any sense or provides them with solutions they don’t need. 

  1. Demonstrate first-hand experience 

It has always been essential to create valuable, high-quality content, but thanks to Google it is more important than ever. Writing about topics you have first-hand expertise in is one of the best ways to provide value to your readers, as no one knows your skills and products better than you! If you write content about topics you have no experience in, it won’t be as helpful as it could be – and Google will catch you out! 

Simon Harker, our Senior SEO Strategy Lead, also added

 ‘An emphasis on writing for your audience rather than trying to suit Google’s algorithm has never been more vital, with the search giant further refining its helpful content system just in time for Christmas.

There are few more frustrating experiences than spammy sites plugging up the SERPs, so rewarding a greater emphasis on content that’s tailored to meet people’s needs is a great result for users and SEOs who go the extra mile to make sure their copy is helpful and practical’

Looking to nail new helpful content or want a little help from our content optimisation tool, Goose? Give us a call or check out the Flaunt Digital blog for more digital marketing advice. Alternatively, head to our Facebook and Instagram channels to fill your boots with more Flaunt content. 

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