In Episode 13 of our Industry Spotlight series, the Flaunt Digital team discusses the launch of ‘Shoppable Posts’ for Instagram Stories. Why not subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this?
See below for the full video transcription.
Chris: So the first topic we’re going to be discussing today is Instagram Stories and their new Shoppable Posts that they’re introducing. So you probably remember the latest shoppable post one which is like a fixed static image, where it offered the option for people to go and purchase something onsite. But yeah, they’re trying to leverage another ad format now which allows people to actually click through and buy those shopping products from Instagram Stories instead.
Jamie: Cool. So how does that work exactly, exactly the same as embedding the posts, pretty much?
Chris: Yeah. I think it was. I haven’t actually seen one in the wild, but yeah, it works in exactly the same way, I would have thought.
Jamie: And they’re just rolling out to select partners first and then everyone else later?
Chris: Yeah, I would have thought so. I think they’re trying to…yeah. Just again, it’s another ad format that they can get in front of people.
Jamie: What type of restriction’s going to be on that? Can you put a URL for something that’s not associated with your Instagram business page for example?
Chris: No, I think you can…
Jamie: Do whatever you want?
Chris: …do whatever you want. It’s trying to attract the blogger community and the publishers therein. A lot of people go on Instagram to read and see latest trends and stuff like that. What better place to put your best trending product in front of your social following or on your blogger page? So yeah, it’s just another ad format to leverage isn’t it, they do it across everything.
Jamie: Sounds like it’s going to get spammed with sponsored celebrity endorsement posts.
Lee: It’s basically to crush Snapchat’s shop that they brought out.
Jamie: Yeah, just copying again.
Chris: Yeah, so nothing too exciting, but yeah. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with that. It is the right platform that’s suited to doing that kind of thing. I do like the format. I think it’s quite good. How many times have you been on there, seen a nice publisher image of somebody wearing a nice jacket, or shoes, something like that, and thought, “Oh, where can I get that?” I think this format’s going to be a little bit more interactive as well. You’re forced to look at it as well, and see it, and it offers you a nice little bag icon, like a little basket icon, to click through as well. That’ll be interesting to see what kind of click through metrics you see from that.
Jamie: Cool.
Chris: Yeah. Haven’t actually seen one in the wild yet, but yeah, probably see more of them coming through over the next few months or so.